Tuesday 7 May 2013

Mushrooms Bruschetta with Poached Egg

I'm always on the look for easy brunch ideas which I can whip in a hurry on weekends - not the usual fare (rice and dishes) which we eat on weekdays but something more interesting. I came across Mushroom Bruschetta when I was surfing for mushroom recipes. This is a twist from the original which is made of tomatoes and sounded delicious with all that different types of mushroom - as you can tell by now, I'm a mushroom lover.

Anyway, the Mushroom Bruschetta on its looks rather boring as you can see from the picture above. The recipe I found suggested it be served with fried or poached eggs. I recall my friend Baby Sumo's tutorial on making the perfect poached eggs on her blog. So I decided to try my hand at making them for this recipe. 

The poached egg turned out pretty well for a first timer. The yolk was a beautiful runny golden yellow. It was irresistible as the yolk soaked into the crispy bread and flavourful mushrooms. Totally divine!

It's hard not to take another picture of the beautiful, golden runny yolk on the bruschetta. My kids gave this a big thumbs up.

Mushroom Bruschetta with Poached Egg (4 servings)
Recipe adapted from here



  • 150 g butter (I used a few tablespoons of olive oil)
  • 4 thick slices sourdough bread (I used French Loaf)
  • 2 banana shallots or 4 regular shallots, finely chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 300g mixed wild mushrooms (chanterelles, ceps, wood blewitts, oyster, field mushrooms etc), trimmed and sliced
  • 2 tbsp crème fraîche (I replaced with yoghurt)
  • 2 tsp finely chopped fresh tarragon (I used rosemary)
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh flatleaf parsley
  • 4 free-range fried or poached eggs, to serve


  • Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter in a large non-stick frying pan. Add the bread slices and fry for 1-2 minutes each side or until lightly browned. remove and keep warm.
  • Add the remaining butter to the frying pan and sauté the shallots and garlic for 1-2 minutes. Add the mushrooms and stir-fry over a medium heat for 6-8 minutes. season well, remove from the heat and stir in the crème fraîche and chopped fresh herbs.
  • Serve the mushrooms on the sourdough bread, top with fried or poached eggs and serve immediately, drizzling with any pan juices.

Poached Egg
Recipe from Baby Sumo, adapted from MasterChef Australia

You'll need:
  • A fresh egg at room temperature
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • Slotted spoon
  • Saucepan
1. Crack the egg into a small ramekin or small bowl. It is easier to slip the egg into the simmering water later.

2. Fill a small saucepan with approximately 4 inches of water and bring to a gentle simmer over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the water, it will help the eggs whites set.

3. Using a tablespoon, swirl the water making a whirlpool (as if you are drawing circles in the water). Gently tip the egg into the centre of the whirlpool and watch the magic of the swirl work. As the egg hits the whirlpool, the egg white will enclose around the yolk and form a neat tight round. (If your eggs are not fresh or not at room temperature, then this is when it will fail and won't enclose properly)

4. Allow the egg to cook for 2-3 minutes or until the yolk is cooked to your liking. Gently lift out the egg using a slotted spoon and give it a little wobble. The egg white should be just cooked (no more translucent white). Remove with a slotted spoon and rest the spoon on kitchen paper for few seconds to absorb any excess water.

I'm linking this post to Little Thumbs Up event, organized by Zoe from Bake For Happy Kids and Doreen for my little favourite D.I.Y., and hosted by Joyce, kitchen flavours.


  1. Hi Mich,
    I'm practically drooling over your mushrooms bruschetta! I did not have any breakfast today and now is already lunch time! Looks very good with the poached egg! My tummy is playing an orchestra right now! Really! Gotta go find some food, and really wish I have this right now!
    Thank you for linking to LTU!

  2. Great combination and your bruschetta looks so yummy especially with the poached eggs. I would love to have this for lunch now:-)

  3. Omg!! I am so drooling right now, hahaha! That is food porn, haha! I can totally imagine how good this bruschetta taste! Good one Mich! Gonna try making this for breakfast this weekend...nom nom!

  4. first time cooking your poached egg and turned out so lovely! I can never get the egg white to stick to the yolk! looks wonderful!

  5. I poached egg and your combinations look so awesome!

  6. I'm looking at your lovely pictures as I sit here eating my plain toast - I know what I would rather be eating :-)

  7. Hi Mich,

    I will love to have these for my mother's day breakfast but too bad that my husband and son can't really cook :p

    Btw, I will be at Singapore and Taipei for 2 weeks (Taipei only for 5 days) and will be having my mother's day in Singapore.


  8. I love this Mushroom Bruschetta and it looks so delicious!

  9. Thanks for the mention Mich, and so glad to see your poached eggs turned out so beautifully! I would definitely choose to have poached eggs on my mushroom bruschetta too!

  10. Mich,I'm salivating by looking at your poached eggs! Love it with the mushroom!

  11. I love the look of that runny yolk! Great combination with mushrooms and crunchy bread! A very nice and nutritious bruschetta.

  12. This looks fantastic! I love mushrooms too! And I love the poaching tutorial. I'll definitely be trying that sometime!

  13. I can't help drooling over your pictures. I'd certainly enjoy this too, especially the mushrooms!

  14. I would love this for brunch, looks so yummy! Your poached egg looks like it turned out perfect.

  15. Yummy, sounds like a perfect lazy weekend brekkie. I shall hunt for something similar on mother's day for myself hehehe, since i guess no one at home will be able to cook this for me :p

  16. I love this recipe poched eggs adds such a creamy tecture to the Bruschettas.Happy following you.

  17. Mich , your poached egg looks PERFECT ! The runny yolk makes me drool :D Pairs well with the mushrooms . Such a delicious , light and filling meal !

  18. Mich, that sure look yum! yum! especially with the egg yolk oozing out. I haven't tried making poached eggs yet :)

  19. I love mushrooms and eggs together -- it's a perfect combination. This looks like a truly wonderful weekend breakfast!

  20. Absolutely yummy. It is making me hungry. It is so pretty too. I have been fasting for a few days. Surgery is tomorrow. Thank you so much for your loving prayers. xo Linda

  21. O-M-G
    Mich - it looks soooooooooo delicious!!
    I'm a mushroom lover as well and this bruschetta is calling my name :)

  22. Hi Mich, this look absolutely delicious. Very good ideas for quickie lunch. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Have a nice day.

  23. I love poached eggs, and this look awesome...I love the picture of the egg running egg yolk...looks delicious.
    Hope you are having a great week Mich :)

  24. Lovely bruschetta dear Mich!! I like poached eggs but I am not good at preparing them...I will have a look at the tutorial!!! Mushrooms are a great alternative to the usual tomatoes...by the way I am a mushrooms lover too!!

  25. I would love to have these bruschettas on my Sunday brunch table!

  26. Sluuuuurp. The last two photos tell everything about this recipe. I am in love with this. It'll be my turn next to make this!

  27. yummy! i can even hv this for dinner, no problem!
