Thursday 24 October 2013

Cranberry-Oatmeal-Walnut Cake

The Cranberry-Oatmeal Walnut Cake from the book Coffee Cakes: Simple, Sweet and Savory by Lou Seibert Pappas is the next bake for the members of The Home Bakers. The Home Bakers  is hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours. If you are keen to join us, please contact Joyce. 

This is one of those healthier bakes from this book as its full of the goodness of oats and uses low fat yoghurt and oil. The texture is moist and slightly chewy and the flavour develops as its kept so it tasted better after a couple of days than when it was fresh out of the oven. 

The recipe called for fresh or frozen cranberries but its impossible to find those locally so I've had to make do with dried ones. Dried one tend to be sweeter and it was just as well as this cake wasn't very sweet so the dried cranberries became some sort of a sweetener.  The walnuts provided an extra crunch which went well with the cranberries. 

The texture of this cake is not the typically light and fluffy type. Due to the addition of oats, it was a little dense but my family enjoyed it nonetheless. Kit of I-Lost in Austen is the host of this bake, please go to her blog for the full recipe. 


  1. I saw Zoe and Joyce version. It seems baking in loaf texture looks better. Is kind of everyday cake to me.

  2. This cake sounds just like another great and deeply missed cake from grandma's kitchen.... Looks so yummy... Feels like home

  3. I definitely love to try this cake, as I love cranberries and oats in it.

  4. Cranberries, walnuts and oats! What's not to love, Mich. As I wait for my coffee to finish perking, I would totally enjoy a piece of your cake to go with it. Thanks for sharing, Mich. I'm off to Kit's for the recipe:)

    Thanks for sharing...

  5. Hi Mich, Thanks for baking along with me & what a great idea baking it loaf. I used dried cranberries too but the texture of this cake is a little too dense though! :p

  6. Hi Mich,
    I totally agree, this cake seems to improve the next day, though my family isn't overly crazy over these muffins, I ate most of them. Definitely a healthy choice for a snack!

  7. What a delicious cake with walnuts and cranberries

  8. I'd love to dip this into a hot cup of tea. It looks delicious Mich!

  9. This sounds like a great cake for breakfast (doesn't look too sweet) or tea time! My son and I share love for cranberries in baked goods. We'll find the best piece which has more cranberries. :)

  10. Wonderful cake! And I'm planning of surprising my aunt with it as she looooooooooove walnut cakes :)

  11. This cake looks so yummy. I love the cranberry and walnut combination.

  12. So this is the cake that is better to leave for overnight before serve. I like the combination of the ingredients, love the oatmeal, dried cranberries & walnut.

  13. The cake looks really moist and beautiful studded with cranberries.

  14. Hi Mich! The cranberries make the cake look pretty, like studded jewels :)

  15. My son adores dried cranberries, this looks a very healthy loaf to me.

  16. The cake looks so lovely with cramberries and oats!

  17. everyone says it is dense..i dont mind too as long as it is moist..i only just made the italian pinwheel bread :)

  18. Hi Mich,

    Totally agree that this recipe should use dried cranberries rather than the fresh ones... Regret baking mine with the fresh ones :(


  19. I baked mine in sheet pan and mini loaves as influenced by you! Your bake looks FAB!

  20. Lovely flavor combo ! The texture looks super moist :)

  21. your cake with cranberries looks mouthwatering. I can't wait to try it.

    I would love to have you to link up at my weekly Clever Chicks Blog Hop:

    I hope you can make it!
    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick
