Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Little Thumbs Up October: Soya Beans!

I can hardly believe it's October and the year is almost over.  I'm excited to be hosting this month's Little Thumbs Up for October 2013 and the theme is Soy Beans.

My co-hosts Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Doreen of my little favourite DIY and I look forward to having you cook alongside us for this event. To take part in this blog-hop, please post your entry (which must be dated in October 2013) at the linky below and link back to this post with the following information:

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Mich of Piece of Cake at this post.

The post should also include a picture of a Thumbs Up sign in your photo or you can use the Little Thumbs Up badge:

The Soy Beans theme may include dishes/dessert that contain any soy-related products such as:
- tofu
- tempeh
- soya bean milk
- soya sauce only as main ingredient (minimal 2 tsp)
- sauces/paste made from soy beans such as miso and chilli bean paste

I've chosen the soya beans theme because the soya bean is possibly my favourite food. I grew up drinking soya bean drinks, eating soya bean curd from the market stalls and tofu in my daily meals. Till now, I cook this very often for my family as it's a nutritious food. The best thing about soy is that it comes in various forms which makes for many interesting ways of cooking it. 

I'm really looking forward to seeing all the wonderful soy dishes created by all our talented home cooks here. 

Photo Credits: From Wiki Common
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  1. Hello, Good morning friend. Soy dish is very healthy. I like it ~
    Just finished my ' green activity'. Let me rest a while. Next week will prepare the soy dish & share with you. Thanks.

    ' yong tao fu ' it's qualify for this subject ? Ha! ha! ha!

  2. Thumbs up for soya beans! Love them too.

  3. Great theme, Mich! Just to be sure, does chilli bean paste/sauce (dou ban jian) qualify? Thanks!

    1. Hi Phong Hong, chilli bean paste is fine! Look forward to your entry.

  4. Great. Will try to support you. Hopefully will be able to submit 1 or 2 posts. Cheers :)

  5. Hi Mich,
    My post is linked! Thank you for hosting, Mich!
    Have a great Sunday!

  6. Hi Mich, beancurd my all time favorite, u are sure of my support! May I know is Tau chi cheong or any bean paste qualify ?

    1. Thanks Christine, sure bean paste is fine

  7. Hi Mich, Awesome theme , will be submitting my soya bean post early next week ! BTW is Miso paste qualify as well?

  8. Hi Mich, my post is linked but the little thumbnails are not appearing in my write-up. Where can I find the Inlinkz codes for doing that in html mode? Sorry to be a bother but I am new to this, thanks in advance!
    Thanks for hosting too!

    1. Hi HK, there is no need for linky codes. All you need to do is submit the post URL at this post. Thanks for taking part!

  9. Hi Mich! I had just joined in the fun! :D

  10. Hi Mich, I'm glad you've hosted this theme. One of my favourite ingredients - so healthy. I have submitted my entry # 47 :-)

  11. Hi Mich, just inked a simple braised tofu. Have a great day :)

  12. Hello Mich, I have just linked Steamed Tofu With Fish Paste. Love to read all those wonderful dishes/dessert made from Soya Bean by other bloggers. Take care.

  13. Morning Mich, just linked my 2nd dish for this event. Have a wonderful day and cheers :)

  14. Good morning Mich,
    I've just linked a post!
    Have a nice day

  15. Hi Mich, thanks for hosting this! Thanks for choosing a versatile ingredient and I must say I cannot live without Soya Sauce in my cooking (in any Asian cooking I think!), as it is equivalent to salt for me. :)

  16. Hi Mich,

    I just linked another entry to the Soy/ Soybean theme ;-)

  17. Good afternoon Mich,
    I've linked one more!
    Have a great week!

  18. Hi Mich,
    I'm sharing a delicious hummus today, using edamame beans!

  19. Hi Mich, I hope I'm not too late to link mine here... WIsh you have a pleasant weekend.

  20. Hmm how come some URL is not related with soy beans..

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