Tuesday 26 March 2013

Tomato Herb Bread

When I saw Zoe at Bake for Happy Kids's Tomato Bread, I was attracted by the colour and I knew it was going to a hit with my family of bread lovers. 

The bread turned out to be a beautiful orangey-red which makes it so gorgeous and appetising. It is soft, fluffy and extremely aromatic from the tomatoes as well as the various types of herbs in the dough. I added some sun-dried tomatoes to the dough and I could taste bits of that in the bread which added a lovely touch. The cheese and additional parsley for toppings made this bread extra delicious. 

This bread is a perfect sandwich loaf - I served my very own gourmet sandwiches with roasted vegetables and home-made hummus for my family's lunch over the weekend. Do you think my sandwich looks like that from the deli? :) A big thumbs up from my family for this recipe!

Tomato Bread with Rosemary
Adapted from Bake for Happy Kids; original recipe from Magic Bread by Alex Goh

Note: This recipe requires an overnight wait for the dough and a further 3 hours to complete 


  • 100 g bread flour
  • 70 g boiling water
  • 400 g bread flour
  • 45 g sugar
  • 8 g salt
  • 1 tbsp chopped parsley (I replaced with fresh rosemary)
  • 1 tbsp Italian mixed herbs
  • 8 g instant yeast
  • 125 g tomato (blend until fine) (Replace with 80g tomatoes paste and 40g water)
  • 20 g tomato paste
  • 120 g cold water
  • 35 g olive oil
  • 50 g of sun-dried tomatoes, diced finely (my own addition)
  • Mayonnaise (I did not use)
  • Grated cheddar cheese 
  • Chopped fresh parsley
  • Add the boiling water from A into flour, mix until well-blended to form dough. Cover and set aside to cool. Keep it into refrigerator for at least 12 hrs.
  • Mix B until well-blended. Add in A and C, knead until smooth and elastic. Let it proof for 40 min. (I proof mine for 1 hr)
  • Divide the dough into 80 g each and mould it round. Let it rest for 10 min. 
  • Flatten the dough and roll it into oblong shape. Place the individual oblong shapes besides each other in the bread pan. Let it proof for 50 min. (I proof mine for another 1 hr)
  • Egg wash the surface and sprinkle some grated cheddar cheese on top. Pipe some mayonnaise over it and sprinkle some chopped fresh parsley.
  • Bake at 190°C for 15 min.
I made one loaf (9x3x3 inches) and 4 small buns. For the large loaf, I put two rounds of dough that was enough to fill the tin. Any left over was turned into small buns. 

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Doreen from my little favourite DIY, at this post.

This is for Herbs on Saturday hosted by London Busy Body.

This is for Bake Your Own Bread by Roxana's Home Baking. 

This is for Yeast Spotting at the Wild Yeast Blog.


  1. The bread sounds wonderful. I would never have thought of using tomatoes in a bread, but I see that it works. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Lovely color bread and it just got me curious how this bread would taste like. Would love to give this a try since this is a healthy bread.

  3. I love this bread, It looks perfect and healthy too!

  4. Tomato bread. I love the orangy colour very much.

  5. Mich, I love the deep colour of the bread! Your sandwiches look so yummy!

  6. I think I need to borrow that book again :D Your bread looks really good ! Love the vivid color and the appetizing the flavor ;)

  7. This tomato bread look fantastic; I love make bread and many times I didn't you tempting me with this recipe Mich!

  8. Mich - absolutely it does look very Deli-like. So fresh and fluffy and so professionally done. The colour has a nice vibrancy too! Terrific!

  9. This bread has a great colour and it is so soft and well risen! I struggle to make bread as soft as this. What a nice sandwich with such a delicious bread Mich! Well done.

  10. Oh wow Mich, nice touch of the bread. Love the colour too. I haven't been baking bread much lately. Maybe I should start making again soon.
    Enjoy your evening.

  11. Wow...looks perfectly delicious! Great post! =)

  12. Goumet bread indeed, i am sure your family enjoyed that delicious humus sandwich. I would love to try this ne of these days.

  13. I am scared to start making my own bread as I would probably eat to much :-) I love the colour of this bread. You always present everything so beautifully.

  14. Oooo nice! Mich!

    Can I have your roast vegetable sandwich recipe?

  15. Oh, wow! This bread sounds delicious and it looks so pretty! The color is splendid.

  16. It does have an incredible colour :) It looks like it would be amazing with butter and salt...

  17. Hi Mich,

    Glad that you baked and like this recipe. We enjoyed this bread very much and my husband has been asking me to bake these breads again and again :p


  18. The color is stunning and with the tomatoes must be very moist as well!

  19. Hi Mich, haven't bake bread with tomatoes. Must bookmarked this to do soon, curious to know how the taste is. Thanks for sharing.

  20. A gorgeous savoury loaf of bread, Mich. Well done!

  21. Absolutely deli style, Mich! I was planning to make your rosemary focaccia last weekend but was so busy with other things due to the Easter holidays. So now I'm going to postpone it to school holidays which will start from mid Apr.

  22. Such a gorgeous bread, Mich! And I just love the color. I'm sure this was a crowd-pleaser. I can't wait to try it. It will add so much to my boring sandwiches. Thank you for sharing!

  23. It's a GORGEOUS bread Mich!!
    How I wish I could eat a slice now (it's Passover now and we don't eat wheat bread.....)
    I've baked tomato-challah before so I know how tasty it is.

  24. Oh wow, the colour really is gorgeous!! I have got to try this, I love homemade bread!

  25. Hi Mich! We are new to you blog. That bread looks amazing!!! Beautiful color!! Looking forward to your future posts.

  26. Certainly looks gourmet, Mich!

  27. Such a delicious looking bread! Looks wonderful and so colourful!

  28. This looks amazing! Lovely colour too.

  29. yes, i certainly agree that the colour makes it an attractive bread! i can happily just eat them plain but your sandwich do sound very good ! Love that!

  30. Hi Mich, your bread certainly look beautiful, love the color. And your sandwich needless to say it's really awesome. Wish I'm your neighbor. :))

    Best regards.

  31. Mich,
    Love the deep colour of your bread.
    Your sandwich certainly better than the deli's ..:D

  32. This bread is on my list too! Yours looks so amazing

  33. Thanks Mich – excellent clear instructions and helpful friendly individualized help! Best wishes!
