Tuesday 2 April 2013

Lavender-Lemon Polenta Cake

The Rosemary Lemon Polenta Cake from the book Coffee Cakes: Simple, Sweet and Savory by Lou Seibert Pappas is the next bake for the members of The Home Bakers. The Home Bakers  is hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours. If you are keen to join us, please contact Joyce. 

You are probably wondering where is the rosemary in the cake since you don't see anything green in the photos. This particular recipe is really interesting because it gives you an option between using rosemary or lavender - which will give different the cake a different aroma and flavour. I have a fresh rosemary plant but choose to use dried lavender as its been a while since I have baked with lavender. Besides, I have always wanted to make a lavender cake. 

The lavender flowers steeped in the buttermilk blends well with the lemon and makes the cake both aromatic and refreshing. This cake has fine, moist crumbs and a melt in the mouth type of texture. 

I baked half the recipe in a loaf tin and this is my scaled down list of ingredients. Please go to Angela of The Charmed Cupcake for the full recipe. 

Cake Batter
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 1 tablespoons minced fresh rosemary or fresh lavender blossoms, or 3/4 tablespoons dried lavender blossoms
  • 1/4 cup finely ground polenta or cornmeal
  • 113 g unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp sugar (I used about half this amount)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 tablespoon grated lemon zest
  • 3/4 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 cup + 2 tbsp unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 heaped teaspoon baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
Lavender-Lemon Syrup
  • 1/6 cup sugar
  • 1/6 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/6 cup water
  • 1 tablespoons minced fresh rosemary or fresh lavender blossoms or 3/4 tablespoons dried lavender blossoms
This is for Herbs on Saturday hosted by Lavender and Lovage. 


  1. Hi Mich,
    Your cake has lovely texture! We like this cake too, with the buttery and moist crumbs, and very fragrant from the lavender! Just the type of cake that I would love to have with my cuppa tea!

  2. Good morning Mich, This lemon polenta cake looks pretty with lavenda on it. Would definitely love to make this as I've never used lavenda in my bakes. Thank you for sharing :)

  3. Hi Mich, your cake looks fantastic! Love the soft moist texture of it. But I hv nvr really fancy Lavender, find the smell n taste too overwhelming for me..kekeke:-p

  4. Hi Mich
    This cake texture look really moist. The lavender must have given this cake great flower aroma in it; and really good to go with a cup of tea!

  5. Your cake looks wonderful. Perfect texture.

  6. 喜欢你的蛋糕,从我做过lavender蛋糕,改天也要试试咯!

  7. Lovely original flavours Mich, think I would have opted for Lavender over Rosemary too. The cake looks nice and moist.

  8. Hi Mich, what a unique combination of flavors, i hv never had a lavender bread before. Will see if i can manage to find dried lavender.

  9. I love lavender bake...with lemon, even better! I think I can smell it from here! You always have a healthy way through your bakes, awesome Mich!

  10. Hi Mich, I love the look of this cake, it must be very fragrant with the lavendar and lemon flavors...will make this when I have lavendar:D

  11. Very interesting flavours - I think I would go for the rosemary version. Beautiful photos Mich.

  12. Mich, I never have anything that was made with lavender before but I really like the flower itself, both fresh & dried flowers! This cake has a very special combination in flavour!

  13. I bet it would be lovely with rosemary or lavender! It sounds great.

  14. Mich , such an interesting combo of flavor in this pretty cake ! Lovely moist texture and the sprinkled dried lavender on top is a nice touch :D

  15. Hi Mich, this cake look interesting and very nice combination. Love the lavender & rosemary.

    Have a nice week ahead.

  16. mich this looks great.. The polenta cake looks so moist and fluffy!!

  17. Mich that cake looks delicious I wish I can get hold of some lavender. I need to buy to try this cake.

  18. Nice cake...lavender and lemon sounds really flavorful. Beautiful pictures as well...
    Enjoy your week Mich ;)

  19. Can I have a slice for tea? Looks good.

  20. Mich, the cakes looks very moist and tender. I must find out where to but lavender. I love the soothing smell.

  21. God bless you Mich!!
    I'm looking for lavender-recipes
    I have tons of dried lavender, and this is just the cake for me.
    Thanks sooooooo much for this.

  22. Happy Spring! I am sure this delightful polenta lemon and lavender cake is like a taking a bite of spring with each bite. Super moist and delightful.

  23. I can imagine this cake is very good..

  24. Hi Mich,
    I agree with you that the crumb texture is amazing! Fabulous results you got there!

  25. Hi Mich,
    Your cake turned out so pretty with a beautiful texture and I'll bet it was very fragrant with the lavender.
    I'm glad you enjoy this cake as much as I did :)


  26. Mich,
    I have never bake with lavender before but i love the aroma of it.
    I bet this polenta cake smells great and taste great too.

  27. I've never had lavender cake before but I have tried lavender macarons before and I do love the taste and smell. Your cake looks so moist as always!

  28. ciao! luvFAB recipe.

  29. This is a wonderful recipe Mich! I am a big fun of polenta and I find it very interesting pairing it with Lavender. Delicious.

  30. Mich, I can smell the lavender fragrance from here, yum!

  31. Mich, like you, I love the aromatic fragrance of the lavender :) It just soothes and calms you but yet entices you to eat the cake!! I love your pretty pictures.

  32. This cake texture looks so perfect here. I love it.

  33. The cake looks really moist and I bet your kitchen must have smelled wonderful while it bakes.

  34. Beautiful bake with perfect texture! YUM! ;)

  35. This cake looks so tasty! I have yet to try any food with lavender in it, but I've seen a lot of recipes floating around... I might have to give in soon, especially looking out how great this cake looks. Plus, I love the dried lavender in the photos. The little hints of purple are so appealing :)

  36. hi mich, just made the cake with rosemary. i like it too and you're right about the texture!

  37. So pretty Mich!!! I haven't used lavender in baking but I've been always curious. The closest I tried is lavender tea...which is not the same I know. Always get attracted to citrus flavor in desserts. Beautiful cake!

  38. Such an amazing addition of lavender in the bake

  39. I have never baked with lavender and can't quite imagine the taste. I would have to be a little daring to try this.

  40. Stunning entry thanks Joyce,and thanks for being such a wonderful supporter of Herbs on Saturday! Karen

  41. Hi Mich
    I finally made this cake yesterday and we simply loved it !!
    Thank you
