Monday 11 November 2013

Granola Master Recipe

I have an entire family of oat lovers - my kids (fortunately!) love this healthy grain served in a variety of ways: as granola, granola bars or as muesli (oats soaked in milk overnight). Granola doesn't sit around very long in my house and I have been making it very often since I discovered how easy peasy it is to do so. I am just so happy that I no longer have to spend good money on those expensive boxes at the supermarkets. 

The great thing about home made granola is that you can use the best quality ingredients (for example, organic oats, dried fruits and nuts) and control the amount of sugar and oil that goes in. The end product tastes amazingly store-bought. I found this Granola Master Recipe on Chubby Hubby and its a great master recipe because you can swap the ingredients for whatever else you fancy as long as the proportions stay about the same. 

The rolled oats, sunflower seeds and the pumpkin seeds are non-negotiable as in they form the base of the granola but beyond that, you can add in any type of nuts or dried fruits. I've used whatever I can find in my pantry - from cashews, macadamias to walnuts and brazil nuts; and for dried fruits, cranberries, apricots and raisins as well as buckwheat puffs. I doubt I'd ever buy those boxed granola ever again!

Granola Master Recipe (1 kg)
Recipe from Chubby Hubby
  • 300 g (3 cups) rolled oats (or equal parts rolled barley/rolled spelt and rolled oats)
  • 125 g (1 cup) raw pumpkin seeds
  • 130 g (1 cup) sunflower seeds
  • 50 g (1 cup) unsweetened coconut chips (optional) - I didn't use)
  • 125 g raw macadamias or other nut of your choice (I used walnuts)
  • 90 g raw cashews or other nut of your choice 
  • 85 g (packed ½ cup) light brown sugar
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) maple syrup, Grade B
  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) olive oil or coconut oil
  • 75 g (about ½ cup) raisins or cranberries (optional)
  • 2 tbs chia seeds or flax seeds (optional)
  • Preheat the oven to 150° Celsius using the convection/fan setting. Line a baking plan with parchment paper.
  • In a large bowl, combine the oats, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut chips, macadamias, cashews, light brown sugar, and salt. Stir to mix. Add the olive oil and maple syrup, and stir until well combined. Spread the mixture in an even layer on the prepared sheet pan. Bake, stirring every 15 minutes, until the granola is golden brown and toasted, about 55 minutes.
  • Place on a rack to cool completely. Stir in raisins and chia seeds. Store in an airtight container.
This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen from My Little Favourite DIYhosted by Vivian of Vivian Pang’s Kitchen.


  1. I love granola especially as topping with yogurt. I'm not lucky as you as hubby and kids not fans of granola :D Therefore I used to 'hide' the rolled oats in bakes and serve them. This granola recipe is a keeper!

  2. Homemade granola is the BEST! I love it with applesauce or yogurt.

  3. Home made stuff are the best & love your clicks.

  4. Mich, this granola sound so delicious with such wholesome ingredients thrown in!

  5. I love how versatile this recipe can be.... Another one added to my list

  6. This is healthy enough and homemade too!

  7. Hi Mich, I love granola too and agreed with you the store bought ones are expensive! I have a bag of rolled oats in my pantry which should do nicely as a base for this granola:) Hope to get it done soon!

  8. look yummy I love the cranberries color, always look amazing, delicious granola

  9. This is my favourite way to start the day. I love the addition of cranberries - would make a nice change.

  10. I want to stop buying granola and I want to try out your recipe.
    I am addicted to granola but I always find it too sweet or with the wrong mixture of nuts.
    Making your own is always the best (like most foods!)

  11. You are right this is delicious granola, always homemade is best.

  12. I remember that you have made granola bar before. Love the colourful mixture of the oats with nuts seeds & dried fruits. It's good to sprinkle on some yoghurt.

  13. We love granola too, but yes, store bought are expensive and also loaded with sugar which sort of beats the whole healthy eating idea.

  14. We have some granola bars here , but nobody's touching it - too sweet :P Homemade , for sure , is still the best and you can mix and match according to one's preference :D

  15. What a terrific dessert this would make!

  16. I also love granola and eat it as is, and there is nothing like homemade :)
    Looks appetizing!!

  17. Hi Mich,
    It's great that your kids love oats! This granola looks wonderful, would be lovely with some homemade yoghurt!

  18. Hi Mich,
    My kids love granola and sometimes would eat it as healthy tit bit :D
    Your granola looks wonderful and colourful, would love to have some now.

  19. I love this granola, sounds healthy and yummy.

  20. I use Granola in so many ways. I really should make my own one day. As you say Mich, it can become quite expensive and sometimes I really wonder what's in some of them, lol...

    Thank you so much for sharing all this goodness...

  21. Nice, I do this with piece CO, it tastes better for me.

  22. i love granola too and just made muesli bars and had linked up!

  23. This will probably give me ideas for my work. Thank you

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